About us
As a socially conscious business, our core aim is to provide a genuinely sustainable alternative to fast fashion. At the moment there are simply not enough ways to buy preloved clothes, especially those that represent current and timeless trends. With this in mind we wanted to create the perfect kind of shopping environment with beautifully curated collections that are great value, offering anything from a high street dress to a unique vintage piece to one off designer items.
Unwanted clothes are a huge problem in the UK and globally. We are currently working with recyclers to procure and reuse the vast amount of clothes out there that have been discarded and are giving them a second chance. We want to extend the life cycle of these clothes instead of making them someone else’s problem or sending them to landfill. Buying new is no longer your only option, we believe we have come up with an exciting alternative that will help you to minimise your environmental impact.
We are a young business and still have a lot of work to do, but it is our aim to bring genuinely sustainable fashion to a wide audience. We are excited to get our message out there and to turn the way people shop on its head!